All Thumbs. Columbus Family Photography

The Rowe Family.


How stinkin’ cute are these littles?!  SOOOO CUTE!







Here are a few fun facts about this awesome family…
Tell us a little about your family dynamic.  How you met your husband, how long you’ve been married, names and ages
of the children. Chris and I have been married for 5 years. Crystal Jo started taking our photos for our engagement, then our wedding, maternity, babies and now family! Our girls are Kinley, age 4, and Kendall, age 2.

Do you have any hidden talents or something unique to you?
Kinley’s a pretty good whistler. And Kendall, she can scare anyone off with her “grumpy face”

If you could be any person for one day, who would it be?
Kinley says Ariel, but she would want to be able to get her feet whenever she wants.

If you had a $100 bill in your back pocket to spend on whatever you’d like, you’d buy…
I will answer for the kids. Kinley would buy legos, Kendall would buy baby dolls.

Describe the perfect weekend.
Our perfect weekends are when we have nothing planned and we can just go where the day takes us.

What did your family like best about your experience with Crystal Jo?
She’s great with the kids and she brought out Mr Tom for our session because Kendall isn’t very into taking photos right now. Later on during the day of our session, Kendall told me “mommy, I had fun with Mr Tom today.” (Mr Tom is a little squeaky toy that Crystal made do silly things. I thinks that’s how she got her smiles)


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.