Ava rock star. Columbus Baby Photography

Ava. 2 Years Big.

Ava’s grandfather found this horse before Ava’s mother was born.  It was very special to have her photos taken with it.  And how awesome of a prop!columbus_baby_photo
Ava loves playing music with her Uncle Justin.  And she loves his guitar.  Future rock star.columbus_baby_photo-3-2
columbus_baby_photo-2My session fave…columbus_baby_photo-3columbus_baby_photo-4columbus_baby_photo-5columbus_baby_photo-6

Some fun facts from Ava’s grandparents…

What is your favorite memory during her second year of life?
Ava wishing me happy birthday over the phone.

Do you have a funny story or something that happened in her second year that you’d like to share?
She always wants to look for our cat but she is terrified to get too close. When you ask Ava what the cat says she either says meow or hisssss.

What age/month has been your favorite and why?
Every age since she learned to smile.

Animal: Doggie
Food: Green Beans
Toy: Uncle Justin

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.