Blaze | 3 Months

Blaze Maddox. 3 Months already!

This was such a great day! Robin (Blaze’s grandmummy) was at our photo shoot. Robin and I used to work together at Chase. I love her. It was SO awesome seeing her and hanging out with her beautiful daughter-in-law and new grandson. Love this family!

Grandma will do anything to make him smile. Even dance around, play the spanish guitar and act-a-fool. Love you Robin!

Cutest lil’ football fan.

I love his little hand in the picture. He’s like, “Mom, why are there pumpkins on my feet?” His shirt says I love my mummy. So cute.

So handsome! Little man.

Wearing his suh-weet kicks.

And I just love his little spit bubbles.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.