Boy, I love the Bennetts!

The Bennett Family.  We’ve been friends for years.  Erik Bennett and my husband’s father worked together many years ago.  It’s nice when your parents have nice friends because they become yours as well.  Then I marry a great guy and now I have his great friends  too.  Then come the little ones…Blake, Jack and Kendall.  Aww, so cute.   Blake…he was all smiles and grins the entire photo session.  Jack…he is the most photogenic little boy you ever did see.  Tricky part about Jack is getting him to sit still for just one minute.  And, I’ll be the first to say…he is a fast one!  Hehe..he’s clear across the park and Kendall says “I’ll go get Jack.”   Aww…my little Kendall.  She had the cutest lil’ hippie dress on with her sparkly silver shoes.  She goes to run across the park and falls in the biggest mud puddle..quiet hilarious to me – but hey, I don’t do the laundry.  🙂   Erik and Michele have a nice Canon camera with a fancy smancy lens…see, that’s another reason I like them!  Michele wants to follow along on some shoots…so you might meet her sometime.

We had a great time at the Jeffrey Mansion in Bexley.  They are an adorable family I love to call my friends!



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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.