A sisters love. Columbus Newborn Photography

Miles. Newborn. SLIDESHOW HERE. BIG SISTER Sofie meeting Miles for the first time.   A special gift.. The first time holding him. Sofie, you are THE SWEETEST little girl.  So happy and joyful.  XO, sweet girl! Now look at this little guy! This little guys grandpa worked for Coca-Cola for many, many years.  How cool…

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Jack-O-Lantern Baby. Columbus Baby Photography

Jackson.  Birth and Newborn. Elise, Dennis and I have planned for months and months about me being present for the birth of their son.  Plans changed a bit when little guy wanted to make his appearance rather abruptly.  Elise woke up at 6AM with slight contractions so she got into the shower.  Shortly after, she…

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Best of 2013

Drumroll, please! Best of 2013… With 557 votes, in FIRST PLACE is Sydney! 
Enjoy your free session and disc of images. Sydney’s mother, Carla, sent me a wonderful message yesterday saying she was so proud of how well her contender Aubrey was doing in the contest that no matter what the outcome was, she wanted to…

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Lucy’s Birth Story

To see the video slideshow, click HERE. A bun in the oven.. Thank you, Ana.  For always capturing the best of times for us.  XO! Maternity.   And the last time this little firecracker was my only little girl… Playing doctor and listening to the heartbeat. Five years ago we said our vows. Here’s a…

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One Year. Columbus Baby Photography

Claire. One Year Big. She’s always the cherry on top of my sundae!  (Session fave.) April showers bring May flowers and Claire Bear brings happiness to our hearts.Claire Bear…I just can’t believe you are already ONE YEAR BIG!  It really does seem like yesterday you were born and we were finding out you are a…

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