Pixie’s First Day of Preschool.

Pixie’s First Day of Preschool. The first day of school outfit was always the biggest deal when I grew up.  So I want to make this fun for her too.  Picking out something that shows her little personality.  Okay, she may be a little young to pick out something that doesn’t have a character on…

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The Blowdry Cafe

My dear friend and trainer from That Gym on Grandview recently opened a “blow-dry salon” called “Blowdry Cafe”. A pretty swift looking website and interactive scheduling system. The cafe inspired theme is carried through on the menu where you can select your drink/hair choice.  The local brews are $35 and they include fun names like…

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Pixie goes to preschool.

Pixie goes to preschool! My preschool pep talk.  You can do this, biggie girl.  You are going to love it.  You are going to be amazing. And off she went… This is Ms. Amy.  She’s beautiful.  Inside and out.  And we are lucky enough to know her pre preschool.  It really makes this process and…

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Lucy’s Birth Story

To see the video slideshow, click HERE. A bun in the oven.. Thank you, Ana.  For always capturing the best of times for us.  XO! Maternity.   And the last time this little firecracker was my only little girl… Playing doctor and listening to the heartbeat. Five years ago we said our vows. Here’s a…

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Artwork from Crystal Jo Foto on HGTV

WooooHoo, Crystal Jo Foto is famous! We couldn’t be more honored to have our work featured on the show “Raise the Roof: The College Challenge” on the HGTV network on June 22 at 2PM. Our cute clients, Sydney and McKenzie enjoyed our lemonade stand and the photos from this session were the inspiration behind the…

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