8 o’clock. Project 52

Project 52.  (One photo a week, on a scheduled theme, for 52 weeks.) Week 25 of 52: 8 o’clock Our 8 o’clock usually consists of her playing on the swings in our backyard.  She knows now.  We swing.  We get a bath.  Book and bed.  It’s a great little summer bedtime routine.  This week she…

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Idle. Project 52

Project 52.  (One photo a week, on a scheduled theme, for 52 weeks.) Week 23 of 52: Idle. “Is your new house built yet?” Ugh. Nope. Not yet. And it’s been IDLE. We’re stuck. Stuck in a financial halt. The banks are taking FOREVER. We were scheduled to dig on April 15th and just two…

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Texture. Project 52

Project 52. Week 21 of 52: Texture. Pixie’s very first band-aid.  She really didn’t need it but she kept talking about her boo boo and I thought it would get her mind off of the teeeeeeny-tiny little scratch on her hand.  Now I’m sure I started the “every boo boo needs a band-aid” ritual, but…

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Treasure. Project 52

Project 52. Week 20 of 52: Treasure. I stumbled upon this beautiful treasure in Las Vegas.  Of course Las Vegas has amazing treasures every where you turn.  But this, THIS was really something.  Art is everywhere, friends.  Just open your eyes.  And your heart.  Let it all in.     5DMkIII, 35mm, f/1.4 ISO 400,…

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Two. Project 52

Project 52. Week 19 of 52: Two. She’s two.  So I can still say her little bum is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, right?!  I’m not sure at which age I won’t think that but since she is ONLY two…. Canon 5DMkII, 35mm, f/1.4 ISO 400, f/2.8, 1/1000 sec To see Megan’s take on…

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