Cool kicks aren’t just for adults. Columbus Family Photography

Layla and Jackson.  Cute, cute kids.  

Heidi works out with me at That Gym on Grandview.  She is such a good Mommy!  And her cute kids are always dressed to the nines.He loves his Mommy.  I can say that for sure!Choo Choo.
Jackson.  Handsomest little dude around.  I LOVE how he is playing with his vest.  “I’ll never wear this again, Mommy!”

It’s just much cleaner and cuter to eat ice cream with just a diapeee on!

Yummmmmmmy!I chased this little guy ALL around the parlor.  He is a FAST one!Do you think she got ice cream up her nose?Fave of the day!I will tayk the pestassheeo & hunnie and a skcoop of the saltee karmil.  Fffank yew, Jeni’s.Hehehehehehe.Look at these shoes!  Jackson with his big boy boots on and Layla with her sparklee All Stars.  Adorable.Even Mommy has on cool kicks!

Layla loves it when Mommy sings to her.  The more we get together, together, together.  The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.