Dapper. Columbus Engagement Photography

Madeline and Eric.  Engaged.

Meet my beautiful sister and her dapper fella.

Madeline, you’re SOOOOOOO GORGEOUS!!!!  I love you so much!  Eric, you are one lucky man to have this beautiful soul!

The laughter is contagious!

SOOO excited for your big day!  


When and where is your wedding?

We are getting married at the Hilton Easton in Columbus, OH May 25th, 2018.- Eric and Madeline

How did you meet?

Eric and I met on OSU campus in May, 2012. My first interaction with Eric came with Eric jumping in front of my car so I wouldn’t pass Pearl Street on campus, who said quickly, “Wow, you’re really pretty.” We spent the next few weeks spending lots of time together, having a blast on many adventures, including exploring the treasures of OSU campus, having a moonlight, dollar-menu dinner date at the Fairfield Fish and Game Club beach, and hanging out with lots of laughs and fun. Eric convinced me to to transition from a Kent State Flasher to an OSU Buckeye, and I’m proud I did! – Madeline


Madeline and I met on OSU campus in May 2012. Despite her nearly hitting me with her car and accidentally saying “I love you” during a farewell at the end of one of our first dates, our relationship grew quickly. We bonded over our love of scary movies and the Buckeyes. Many happy hour dinner and movie dates later, here we are. – Eric


Tell us about your proposal!

The Fackelmans had been planning a family vacation to Disney World for sometime and I was lucky enough to be invited as well. We spent the first magical day at Disney with his family, and then E and I had separate dinner reservations at night, with Eric’s sister Liz explaining they didn’t have time to add E and I to their reservation for that night, but they were able to snag a great place for us to go to instead.

Eric and I made it to the resort where the restaurant, California Grill was located, and hung out by the pool enjoying some cocktails while we sat under the stars.

We headed up to the restaurant, and were seated by a HUGE window that oversaw Magic Kingdom and the castle. We also sat next to some fun other diners.

Eric asked me to step onto their balcony before dinner started to watch the fireworks with him. We watched the firework show happen above the castle, and when I went to give Eric a kiss and tell him I loved him during the finale, he grabbed his pocket, knelt down, and showed me a beautiful ring and asked me to marry him.  

In our walk in, we had many people congratulating us, sending love, and some tears shared with me and some other ladies on the balcony.

I instantly called my grandparents, my aunt, my sister, and my parents who were all in on the surprise.

Eric and I made it back to our resort, where we were greeted by Eric’s family who had flutes of champagne ready as well as personalized bridal Mickey and Minnie hat for us.

My proposal was so magical and beautiful. He truly blew me away. -Madeline


I proposed to Madeline in Disney World on the rooftop of the California Grill (which is on top of a large resort building overseeing Magic Kingdom) during the finale of the fireworks while we were on vacation there with my family.

Although it may sound magical, the process of making that moment happen was not without its issues. I ordered the engagement ring a very long time before the trip, but didn’t want to risk her seeing it and ruining the surprise. Since it was ordered at a store in my home town (Toledo) and we lived in Columbus, I had my parents pick it up before they left for Disney. Unfortunately, we didn’t realize until we got to the resort that the ring had not been sized. The store had just ordered a standard, rather than the size I had requested. At this point the proposal was set for the next day, so resizing was not an option. I had to move forward with the ring being too small.

The day of the proposal came and my mom was not feeling too well. Madeline suggested that my mom should go with me to the restaurant instead of herself to try to cheer my mom up, not realizing that this would totally ruin my plan.

We arrived to the resort that the restaurant was at very early so we got some drinks and sat by the pool. As we sat there enjoying the beautiful weather and relaxing atmosphere, Madeline suggested that maybe we should cancel the reservations, order pizza, and just sit by the pool. Again, not realizing that this would totally ruin my plan.

At the entrance to the restaurant we stood in line as guests were checked in for their reservations. Every group in front of us was asked what occasion they might be celebrating that night. When it came to be our turn, Madeline got upset that they didn’t ask us what our special occasion was (the staff had been informed of the proposal when the reservation was made).

We were enjoying our meal as the fireworks started. I asked Madeline if she wanted to go out onto the rooftop to watch them. She declined, stating that we could see them well enough from our seats. I had to insist, which probably seemed rather out of character for me.

As the firework show neared its end, I turned to her, leaned in, and whispered to her “this probably won’t fit” as I got down on my knee to propose. I will never forget seeing her face light up with joy when I opened that little box.

It quickly became clear that she was not concerned with the ring not fitting. Despite Madeline being content with the ring only being partially on, a woman near us insisted she “jam that thing on there”. The sickly purple her finger quickly turned after “jamming that thing on there” did not take away from her radiance one bit. I don’t think I stopped smiling that whole night. – Eric

What’s your favorite thing about your significant other?

His beard and eyes are pretty awesome. I love his humor, intelligence, and his wit. I also have fallen in love with his family as well. -Madeline


While Madeline is very beautiful and intelligent, my favorite thing about her is the way she makes me a better person. She is always driving me to better myself and supports me in each of my endeavors. – Eric

What makes you guys unique?

I would say our resilience. We have had a lot of changes, and we have always made it through the other side together. – Madeline


We are total opposites in a lot of ways. Madeline is very much a “people person”. She understands people and craves human interaction. I understand technology much better and am totally content with having time to myself. Madeline likes to let loose and spend money, while I tend to be more reserved and frugal. This allows us to balance each other very well. – Eric

How did you find Crystal Jo?
She’s my sister <3 <3 <3 – Madeline


She’s Madeline’s Sister – Eric


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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.