Don’t you smile. Columbus Family Photography

The Maul Family.

I’d like to call this photo… WHAT DID WE GET OURSELVES INTO?!

Tell us about your family..
12 years married on October 24th. Met working together at Huntington Bank. He was my boss for alittle while, dont tell haha. Kathryn will be 5 in December. Isaac will be 3 in february.

What did your family like best about your experience with Crystal Jo?
Loved the session, making it fun even in the rain, Kathryn loved how you said…”dont you smile!” 🙂

Are you more like your mom or your dad?
I’m more like my mom
Isaac is like me, more timid
Kathryn is more adventurous like greg
Greg is like his dad

Do you have any hidden talents or something unique to you?
Greg is great at allll sports. He played baseball in college, i played volleyball in college. He actually likes to run now. I love step aerobics, old school.

Kathryn is a great swimmer and just started gymnastics. She would say she is a great crafter.

Isaac loves all vehicles or anything with wheels. And is a mama’s boy as you saw.

If you had a $100 bill in your back pocket to spend on whatever you’d like, you’d buy…
We would save the $100 or spend it on the kiddos.

Describe the perfect weekend.
Perfect weekend by the pool or beach somewhere south.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.