Fiona’s Sweet Shoppe.

Pixie received her very first colorful lollipop invitation in the mail……to Fiona’s Sweet Shoppe.

The sweet shoppe is OPEN.  It came with special sweet shoppe workers (Fiona’s Aunts) and the children paid for their candy with pennies.  

Her mommy found this high chair on craigslist and Papa painted it.  The gumball machine was Amy’s when she was a little girl.

Fiona’s Sweet Shoppe.  A little girl’s dream.Love the photo banner.

Details and color galore!

Put your party hats on!  (I like to say put your PARTY PANTS ON!  But Amy says this should say party hats and she’s the momma, so she wins.)

Everything was made very special by mommy and family.Even these ADORABLE sugar cookies that look like lollipops.
I love the “Whoooooo’s birthday is it?” gift bag.  Amy’s baby shower was an owl theme.  REMEMBER?  And Fiona has owls in her nursery.

Gavin.  Looking so dapper with his little bow tie.  Bow tie made out of ribbon from his mommy and daddy’s wedding.  (A fun tid bit…Kacy & Tim’s wedding was my VERY FIRST wedding I shot professionally.  April 2008.)Time for cake!

She loved it.  And she was so delicate with it.

Look how cute this family is…with matching outfits and all!
Fiona was kissing everything.  It was so cute.
Pixie was pooped.  Little party animal.

Papa having some fun!

Build your own candy necklace with Fruit Loops.  Cute idea!

To watch the video slideshow, click HERE.

Happy First Birthday, Fiona Rose. And many more. We love you very, VERY much!

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Amy Seese on October 15, 2011 at 9:38 am

    What a special day! Thank you so very much for capturing these memories for us! We love you Crystal Jo Foto!