From Gymnast to Mommy. Columbus Family Photography

Charlotte Grace. 6 Months Big.

I went to high school with these folks.  Ashlynne and I were on the same gymnastics team.  She was an awesome gymnast and now she’s an even better Mommy.  I love this little family!
Now that’s what I call CUTE!  (Session fave!)
Piggies in the water!
Location change.  To where, you ask?  Oh, you know…the local laundromat.

This load right here…she’s priceless.

Look at those chunky rolls.  LOVE!


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Margaux on June 22, 2012 at 10:51 am

    I love love love this session…Charlotte Grace is such an adorable baby girl!!!

  2. amy on June 23, 2012 at 9:23 am

    As always, these are beautiful. My session fave is your session fave!