Her time first. Columbus Newborn Photography

This shoot was an emotional one for me. Kim was supposed to have her little girl in January. I was supposed to have my little girl in December. Somehow, someway, Kim got her baby girl first. And boy, oh boy was I jealous. I was 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant when I headed over to meet little Delaney. I was having all of those “end of the road” pains. Tired of the belly. Tired of the hundreds of phone calls and texts…Is she hear yet? How are you feeling? Tired of waking up in the middle of the night and feeling that small pain. Hopeful. Hopeful that small pain was going to turn into a big contraction. Scared. Tired. Hopeful. It was time. It was my time. But first, first it was Kim’s time. And so, here I was, big belly and all, going to meet little Delaney Eileen.

Kim opened her front door with this teeny tiny little girl. Teeny tiny. Four pounds tiny! I melted. This shoot brought me to this raw place of extreme awareness of what was coming my way. Excitement. Joy. That little body gave me so much hope that day. Hope that I would too, have a little healthy bundle of joy.  More to come soon on my bundle of joy.  For now.  Let it be Delaney’s time.  Welcome to the world little teeny tiny bundle of joy!

Little smirk.

This cracks me up. She is giving me the look. Are you done yet?

Thank heaven for little girls.

Naked baby in her crib.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Anita on January 20, 2011 at 10:49 pm

    You are so talented Crystal Jo! Beautiful pics of Delaney!!