Hugh turns One. Columbus Baby Photography

Hugh. 1 Year Big






Aww, come on mom…no more kisses!



Family time at it’s best.






Dad gives the best rides.


Here they go kissing again.






A trip down memory lane..




Here are a few fun facts about Hugh…

What is your favorite memory during your child’s first year of life?
There have been so many, but watching him walk and become more independent has been an absolute joy even when he decided to become a climber. We love watching how he develops and figures things out!  Also the way he LOVES food, so watching him try new things was always entertaining.

Do you have a funny story or something that happened in her first year that you’d like to share?
Honestly too many poop escapades than need shared, but those always make us laugh. I think probably the first time he giggled after he farted he brought me to tears.  Farts are funny, apparently that sense of humor is passed on genetically.

What age/month has been your favorite and why?
They all have their fond memories but since he’s turned a year he’s picked up on and learned so much!  We encourage all his development and love watching him move forward.

One word to describe your baby is… Happy!

What is your child’s favorites…
Animal: Dog, he loves our two.
Food: Really anything! He eats it all.
Toy: His books!
Song or Book: His favorite book is Little Blue Truck. I have it memorized and I’m pretty sure if he was talking he would too.

How was your experience with Crystal Jo?
Always wonderful. Professional and fun and always look forward to our sessions.

Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.