Little angel. Columbus Newborn Photography

Amelia. Newborn.Just beautiful.Look at those wittle lips and nose.  OHHHHHH!

Welcome to the world, Amelia Grace.  You are a little angel!


A fun questionnaire from the new Mommy and Daddy…

How long have you been married and how did you meet?
We have been married for a little over 2 years and we met while working together at a pharmaceutical company many years ago.

Tell us how you found out you were expecting.
We had a few drinks and were headed to Taco Bell before going home. I pulled into Walgreens next door instead. He asked what I was doing and I said, we need to get a pregnancy test before we continue in any more of our typical summer patio festivities. The test came back positive, but he didn’t believe it so he made me take every one in the three pack!

Did you find out the gender? How did you come up with her name?
Jason isn’t all that patient or good at waiting for surprises, so he wore me down and I eventually agreed to find out the sex. Amelia was virtually the only girl name we could agree upon!

Is there a nursery or shower theme you’d like to share.
We decorated her nursery in Carter’s “Jungle Jill” theme.

A baby is here! What are you looking forward to the most?
Our new family dynamic. All the firsts. Getting excited about the simple things again!
High school graduation! -(Daddy)

You are a new parent. Give us the scoop. What has surprised you the most about parenthood? Any funny stories or first times, share with us.
How hard it has been this first month-no one tells you this stuff! They all lie!

We do something dumb virtually every day. For example, for her first doctors appointment despite the planning devoted to getting out of the house on time, we managed to be late for her doctors appointment and then she needed a diaper change. We had to tell the doctor that we forgot the diaper bag at home! I followed it up with, “at least we remembered the baby!” We all laughed and luckily they had a few spare diapers!
The importance of putting a diaper on tightly- (Daddy)

How did you find Crystal Jo?
I saw her work advertised at That Gym on Grandview.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.