Menchen Mini. Columbus Family Photography

The Menchen Fam.



I HAD to post this one.  It was like 50 degrees out and these babes were FREEZING.  They sure were troopers but this photo is just too funny not to post.

Session fave!columbus_photography-6



Here are a few fun facts about this amazing family…

Tell us a little about your family dynamic.  How you met your husband, how long you’ve been married, names and ages of the children.
Rik and I have been together 13 years and married for 7 (on Halloween). We starting dating our Sophomore year at Otterbein College.   We have 2 beautiful girls: Samantha (3) and Abigail (1.5), who keep us busy!

Do you have any hidden talents or something unique to you?
Kristen: I had a hard time with this one, I guess I don’t have any hidden/unique talents!
Rik: I swing a baseball bat left-handed but golf right-handed.

If you could be any person for one day, who would it be?
Kristen: Samantha! I would love the see the world through her eyes.
Rik: Me! I have a beautiful wife and perfect children. (Kristen: he must want something!!)

What’s one thing you want to learn to do?
Kristen: take pictures (photography)!
Rik: fly a plane!

If you had a $100 bill in your back pocket to spend on whatever you’d like, you’d buy…
Kristen: sushi and wine!
Rik: Bengals tickets

Describe the perfect weekend.
Kristen: a weekend spent with Rik and the girls, playing outside, followed by 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep 🙂
Rik: a weekend with lots of sleep!

Are you more like your mom or your dad?
Kristen: My mom
Rik: My dad
Samantha: My dad
Abigail: My mom

What did your family like best about your experience with Crystal Jo?
Everything! She always knows how to make us smile…even when the girls aren’t cooperating!


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.