Name the baby Bob. Columbus Family Photography

The Zenios Family.


They really are that adorable.  Loving and caring.  Sometimes it’s like pulling teeth to get brothers to even sit next to each other.  Not these two.  You can tell they will grow up to be best buds.


My session favorite, right here.  Matina, you need this BIG in your beautiful house!

People often ask me how I get such fun and natural reactions in front of my camera.  Usually corny jokes or games that we play.  But this one here… no, this was all the boys.  I’m standing over them nine months pregnant and Michael asks if I have a name picked out for the baby.  I grin and say no.  He says, “NAME THE BABY BOB!”  We all just couldn’t stop laughing.


SO HANDSOME!  (And I kept calling them cute and they kept asking me to call them HANDSOME.  “We aren’t cute!”  Geez, I should know these things!)

Christos loves soccer.  I just love this!

This left photo is why I love my “job” so much.  Seriously, amazing.  SO MUCH LOVE HERE.  Zenios and his team, 3 Pillar Homes, are currently building our home.  I’ve had the honor of working with him for over a year now as we go through this crazy building process.  A few days ago, I was able to hang out with his beautiful family and see what an awesome father he is to these two boys.  It just touches my heart and makes me proud that we’ve chosen someone who cares and loves people so much.  Zenios, I hope you can cherish these photographs and remember how special these two little souls are to you.  Your eyes really shine when you are around them and I can see how proud you are.  Much love, friend.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Zenios Michael Zenios on October 4, 2013 at 11:26 pm

    Love the photos! You do fantastic work and make it look easy! Thanks again!!! We totally love them! Z

  2. Tricia Saiia Back on October 5, 2013 at 2:32 am

    They are an amazing family! So thankful to have known them for many many years! Absolutely gorgeous!

  3. Maria Zeniou on October 5, 2013 at 4:48 am

    A great happy family.I just love these pictures!great job!