Nana Nana Boo Boo

Last week I had the pleasure of joining the Bates family at a local park to capture some laughs.  And that we did!

Look at this little ham Layla.  Isn’t she so stinkin’ cute?!  This is her proud big brother Jackson.

Jake and J-Man.

Kellan and Ashton. Too. Cute.

Here is Heidi with her beautiful children. We workout together HERE. We have lots of laughs together at “that gym”…trying to get away with, um, doing nothing. Our trainer never lets us. Isn’t she just beautiful!

This is the first time I got to meet little Layla. I’m in love!

Look at his eyes! Hello ladies!


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.