New Older Sister. Columbus Baby Photography

Brynleigh. 6 Months Big.

The best part about this shoot is the little story behind Brynleigh’s new member of the family. Her eleven year old sister, Madison. Madison lives in Florida and has never met her father or her little sister. She arrived for the weekend to surprise her dad and kiss and hug her new baby sister. Michael (my best friend’s older brother) was extremely thrilled when his little girl, now eleven, ran into his arms for the very first time. Madison is SPITTING IMAGE Michael. She is the sweetest little girl and she walked around the whole park telling everyone, “this is my daddy and this is my little sister. I just met them for the first time yesterday.”
It was really remarkable to see the love and new bond they shared.  A little behind the scenes.  Sissy helping create some bubbles for her bath.
And Bryn loved it!Session fave.  Little teething baby.  Nomnom.I love her gummy smile so much!  Xoxo little baby girl.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. amy on August 22, 2012 at 7:43 pm

    Very sweet and touching! Lots of love in this little family : )

  2. Pez on August 23, 2012 at 10:12 am

    I’m writing this for Pez, these are so beautful. Linda