One of my gymnasts is graduating! Columbus Senior Photography

Paige. Senior Pictures. Class of 2011. Central Crossing High School.

Paige was so much fun. She is so cute, pretty and spunky! I’ve known Paige since she was just a little girl. I taught her gymnastics years ago. She was quite a handful then! She’s matured into such a beautiful young woman. Congrats on your senior year Paige! I wish you all the luck in your upcoming years.

WHOA…she is smokin’ hot!

Love this. “Light Girl” Ana had this idea. LOVE it!

Multiple uses for a photography umbrella. Who woulda thunk it.

Hello beautiful sky!

I totally love this chair! It sits in the office at That Gym on Grandview. Ashley and Demi let me steal it just for this shoot. Thanks ladies. Thanks That Gym!

If anyone needs a fabulous trainer, check these chicks out!

Paige couldn’t keep the chair from rolling away from the wall. It was quite hilarious!

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. light girl on November 15, 2010 at 7:22 pm

    these turned out UH-MAZING! paige looks UH-MAZING! ;] you go girls! ♥