Paint my heart. Columbus Engagement Photography

Tara and Scott. Engaged.


We found some really cool spots downtown.002-2

My session fave… right hurr…005004-2004006-2They really are such an adorable couple.  Navy is the dominant wedding color and how perfect is Scott’s complimentary sweater matching Tara’s navy dress.005-2Tara, you are stunning.  Inside and out!  Kelley, my dear friend and hair stylist, has been best friends with Tara for many years.  So I get to hear all of the fabulous stories about Tara and her life.001001-2003-2007006Save the date. May 17th, 2014.  The day two hearts become one.007-2Behind the scenes… I spy a BIG baby bump. 🙂002

When and where is your wedding?
Tara & Scott: May 17th 2014 @ The Columbus Museum of Art

How did you meet?
Tara: We met through mutual friends – I think we both were hesitant about being set-up, but so thankful for it now!
Scott: My best friend Tommy, who is now married to Tara’s high school friend Emily (Barrett) Young, introduced us back in April 2009.

Tell us about your proposal!
Tara: Oh the proposal – such an amazing day! It was a really warm day in January – January 12th to be exact. It was a normal Saturday, or so I thought! I apparently did everything differently on this Saturday than any other – I didn’t go to the gym, I didn’t run errands – basically I wanted it to be a lazy Saturday. Well Scott really wanted me out of the house so he could set-up to “pop the question”, but I wasn’t having any of it. Since I spoiled his first plan, he decided to go upstairs, where I heard him pacing from the office to the bedroom and back. At the time I thought it was weird, but thought, maybe he was putting the dry cleaning away – little did I know! He then started playing Dave Matthews and specifically “Space Between” – which we have declared “our song”. This instantly peaked my interest! I went upstairs where Scott was holding a silver ornament that opens like a ring box. The outside is engraved with “Wishes” and inside is “Do Come True”. Inside was the ring and as soon as I opened it, I started crying – a happy cry of course! Scott asked me to marry him, at which time I tackled him with a huge hug and saying over and over… “Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!” He stopped me and said, “Wait, you said yes, right?” I guess the tackle of excitement wasn’t the official yes he was looking for! I absolutely said yes and can’t wait to marry the man that (as my granny says) blew my socks off!
Scott: A few Christmas’ ago, my mother had bought my two sisters and I a sterling silver Christmas ornament and each year my parents put special gifts inside the ornament, such as Bucks tickets, cash, etc… Back in January, that ornament played a key role in my proposal to Tara. As I was upstairs pacing trying to make sure everything was in place, I played our song, “Space Between”, by the Dave Matthews Band. While Tara was downstairs in our living room, she immediately knew something was going on, whether I was cleaning, working, or whatever. As she came up the steps to our bedroom, I was sitting beside the silver ornament in the middle of our bed. She sat down next to me, looked at the ornament (which I forgot to mention has “WISHES” on the outside and “DO COME TRUE” on the inside) and I told her, “I have a surprise for you!?”. She then opened the ornament and there was the ring.

What’s your favorite thing about your significant other?
Tara: One of my favorite things about Scott is how caring he is. He is always willing to go out of his way for his friends, family, myself – you name it, he’s there! I also love his ability to make any situation fun. We are always laughing together and with just a look – know what the other one is thinking. He’s just all around my Prince Charming.
Scott: Tara is my best friend. She and I do everything together. We share so many common interests, such as Buckeye games, movies, concerts, traveling and so much more. I absolutely enjoy spending my time with her whether we’re traveling or just hanging around home on the weekend

What makes you guys unique?
Tara: I think what makes us unique, is our friendship. We truly are each other’s best friend. We tell each other everything and love hanging out together, whether it’s watching one of “our” shows or our Sunday movie dates. We also have our personal time too, which makes the time we’re together, that much better!
Scott: We’ve shared similar beliefs on what our relationship means from day one. While we both enjoy different attributes about one another we’re still interested in discovering more about each other.

How did you find Crystal Jo?
Tara: Crystal and I went to High School together! I have been following Crystal’s photography from the beginning and always said – “as soon as I get engaged, Crystal’s shooting my wedding!” She is creative, fun and I can’t wait for her to be a part of our special day!
Scott: Tara and Crystal went to high school together.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.