Play Ball. Columbus Baby Photography

Ryder. 1 Year Big.


Just LOOK AT THIS BEAUTIFUL FAMILY.  I’ve known Melissa since we were in high school.  She really is as pretty on the inside as she is on the outside~

We headed over to the ball diamonds where this Daddy coaches the high school team.  Go Greyhounds!
Avery, little doll face, working the camera and getting dirty.

My session fave..

More on this adorable little guy…
What is your favorite memory during his first year of life?
 OH my gosh there have been so many! I’ll narrow it down to three.

Our favorite memory is the first breath Ryder took. Every mama knows that feeling. It makes you melt inside and want 10 more kids! Our second favorite memory is when his big sis Avery met him for the first time and helped mama dress him in the hospital. She was so sweet, gently touching his head and quietly saying, “Don’t worry Ryder, I won’t hurt you!” Our third favorite has to be every day when we pick him up at the sitter and he sees us, squeals, yells, “HIIIIIIII” and runs over with his arms high in the air to be hugged.  Best feeling in the world, we are so amazingly blessed!Do you have a funny story or something that happened in his first year that you’d like to share?

Ryder’s climbing abilities have taken us by surprise. First of all, he is enormous and to independently get that giant body up onto anything is nothing short of super human strength. Secondly, and my husband will attest to this, I watch these children like a hawk. Not much gets passed me. With that said,  we have caught Ryder climbing onto Avery’s stools, then onto the toilet and into the sink (pretty impressive for 11 months old). We have also found him, on multiple occasions, on top of the TV stand dancing and clapping to whatever kids song is on at the time. Once we turned our back for what couldn’t have been more than a minute and found him at the top of the staircase. SERIOUSLY?!
What age/month has been your favorite and why?
 This past month has surprisingly been our favorite. Ryder has become extremely mobile and gets into EVERYTHING; opening doors, climbing staircases, cabinets, tv stands, other children, into the potty etc. Ryan and I never get a break and constantly chase him and Ave around…  BUT his big, loving, carefree personality is starting to show and he is beginning to get a little feisty with his sister.  It is so cute to see our two babies interact, giggle at each other and have unintelligible ‘conversations’.
One word to describe your baby is… INCREDIBLE
Animal: Dogs, any and all!
Food: Haha EVERYTHING! That boy hasn’t turned down a meal since he came out of the womb!
Toy: Balls and trucks… (or anything his sister has in her hand at that moment.)

Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Kelly Ellis on May 8, 2014 at 2:28 am

    Beautiful pictures of an amazing beautiful family!!

  2. Holly Horton Bennett on May 9, 2014 at 12:23 am

    Wow. Loved these-you are indeed blessed.