Polka dot baby suit. Columbus Baby Photography

Delaney. Six Months Big.

She learned how to sit up all by herself.  Two days before the session.  Mommy and Daddy were SO proud.

It’s warm enough to swim. Oh, yes! Thank you, mother nature. Little girls in bathing suits are SO stinkin’ cute. Babies in swimsuits…even cuter!

Laney Love. Love Laney!  Look at those rolls.  Makes me smile.  Really big.

These crack me up. See her named spelled down her little body.  This was quite a feat.  She was such a wiggle worm!   And that foam “L” in her mouth, she was biting that thing with all of her might.   Love it.

Laney the little monster.  Cutest monster on the block.

I heart these SO much!  Her momma wore this dress when she was just a weee baby.  How special.

Adorable family. Love them!

Guess who came to say Happy 6 months to little Delaney….Pixie Pie!  Delaney was delighted. Pixie was ready to play. It’s hard to believe Delaney is only a few weeks older than Pix. Pix seems so much bigger. It was really neat to see them interact. And they are BOTH sitting up like big girls!

ring: 614.397.0352
write: crystal@crystaljofoto.com
see: http://crystaljofoto.com
fresh: https://crystaljofoto.com

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.