Polka dots, pretty curls, and poinsettias. Columbus Baby Photography

Delaney. Two Years Big.

Don’t you just love her polka dots and pretty curls?

A Momma’s love.  Pretty indescribable.
The Franklin Park Conservatory is ready for Christmas. It looked so festive and beautiful!To say she loved the train would be an understatement.She couldn’t keep her eyes off of it!Session fave.  On the right.  WHA?  I’m two, who me?!

Delaney is going to make a great big sister!  And it’s a BOY!Pouting. She’s two. That’s her job 🙂

My little buddy 🙂

More on Delaney…

What is your favorite memory during Delaney’s first two years of life?
I still love remembering the night she took her first steps! With clenched fists and constant hollering, she made her way across the kitchen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYHv4C3-8sE&list=UUfQ6XwCHPsoNqxHjBt1mMvQ&index=12

Do you have a funny story or something that happened that you’d like to share?
Delaney is definitely NOT a morning person! Getting her up for school each day is a challenge (unfortunately, she’s just like her momma). We always try to wake her up slowly by asking questions about fun stuff she has going on in the day whether it’s playing outside, visiting with her Mimi or going to school (which she LOVES) – typically she answers EVERY question with a whiny Nnnnooooo! Here is a clip of one of her rough mornings: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttUr1RbSlDY&list=UUfQ6XwCHPsoNqxHjBt1mMvQ&index=7

What age/month has been your favorite and why?
We have favorite memories from every stage, but the stage she’s going through right now is so awesome. She’s just so excited and intrigued by everything around her and it truly makes your heart smile. She’s talking more and more each day and her personality is really starting to shine…just love the little lady she’s growing up to be

One word to describe your Delaney is…ADVENTUROUS

Delaney’s Favorites…
Animal: Doggies
Food: Marshmallows
Toy: Her Yo Gabba Gabba Toys, especially Brobee


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.