Representing Grandpa. Columbus Baby Photography

Emma.  2 Months Big.


You guys, just look at this!  This outfit was on a teddy bear and it fit little Emma.  Emma’s grandfather was in the military.  You’ll see his flag and helmet here.  It was so very important to dress Emma and represent her grandfather.  I love it so.


John Deere baby.

Jaime, Emma’s momma and I met a few years ago at a country concert.  We’ve stayed in touch and she’s always told me I would be the one to photograph her babies.  I feel so honored, Jaime.  And thank you for making the trek down to Columbus from Cleveland.  XO, sweet lady!


Fun facts about this little gem…

Emma Donielle Sharer was born June 3rd @ 8:19 am. She was 8 lbs and 20 inches long.

Is there a story behind your baby’s name?
Her middle name, Donielle,  is after my dad Donald. He passed in September 2013 and we found out we were pregnant the day after his funeral.

Tell us about that first moment when you saw your baby.
Being she was born via c – section,  we didn’t get to see her immediately,  but we heard her cries. It was very surreal but brought instant tears to both myself and Russ. Russ was able to go to other side of the room and see her and came back to my head, still teary eyed and said how beautiful she was.. Lol though did mention her cone head from being stuck. She was coming down crooked. The nurses brought her over for him to hold by my head while they finished surgery on me. Just kept kissing her cheek, that was next to me. Once I was able to hold her in the recovery room, I haven’t wanted to put her down, and she is 2 months old. 🙂

Give us the scoop. What has surprised you the most about parenthood?
She has definitely made us both better people. She has brought so much happiness to both families. She has helped with the healing process of losing my dad.

Are there any funny stories or firsts that you’d like to share?
Emma has brought excitement too. Never would have thought we would love someone so much!  We have a lot of fun watching her learn how to use her hands and legs… The first time she smiled on purpose at us was heart melting. Then when she started cooing, we couldn’t wait until she did it again. It is funny the silly things we do to get her to smile and coo. She loves exchanging “words” with her daddy.

What did you like best about your experience with Crystal Jo?
The best part of our experience with Crystal Jo is the positive energy that Crystal Jo gives off. You cannot help but smile! Also, the patience with Emma and ability to get her attention and to smile. Plus, she didnt judge me for putting a US Marine Corp’s teddy bear outfit on my baby.  😉


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Nancy Ruth Keener on August 5, 2014 at 9:41 pm

    Jamie and Russ .. these are the best baby pictures ever! She is so beautiful and she’s so lucky to have such good parents.

  2. Pat Jacobs on August 5, 2014 at 10:01 pm


  3. Angie Jessee on August 6, 2014 at 12:51 am

    Awesome as always

  4. Cyndi Lanham on August 6, 2014 at 11:04 pm

    OMG I’m crying