Ring my bell. Columbus Family Photography

The Bell Family.

Tell about our family dynamics. We laugh A LOT, we love to impersonate one another! We are extremely close, we love being together as a family!  Doug is a teacher at weaver middle school and Elizabeth is a NICU nurse at childrens. Doug also coaches football for weaver and varsity softball for Dublin scioto.

We have 3 wonderful kids, William is 14. Jillie is 12 and molly is 9. They really truly are the best. William plays baseball and football. The girls do competitive gymnastics.
If I could be any person for one day i would be a stay at home mom.
I want to learn to be a better cook!
If I had $100 I would buy a new pair of tennis shoes or some lululemon leggings. Doug wouldn’t spend a dime of it, he never spends money!
My perfect weekend is anytime we can all just be together as a family…and eat!
Jillie and William are exactly like Doug, Molly is exactly like momma!
Getting to see Crystal from high school was amazing! I love when people get to meet my kids!

Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.