Rizor. Columbus Baby Photography

Rizor. Newborn.


From the Momma about this special penny…

“I found the heads up penny as soon as I stepped out of my car to walk into the infertility clinic. That specific appointment was the start of conceiving Rizor and our first appointment after a failed IUI. From that appointment forward, I carried the penny with me every time we saw the doctor. The first ultra sound, first hearing of his heartbeat, finding out he was a boy and everything in between. Nick kept it in his pocket while I was in labor and it now hangs in Rizor’s nursery. ???????? They say heads up pennies are a “hello” from someone you love in heaven. That wasn’t a lucky penny, it was a reminder that we have a lot of people in heaven who pulled for us to get Rizor. ????


Congratulations to your new beautiful growing family.  XO!


Future baseball player?  I think so!columbus_photography-8columbus_photography-9


Here are a few fun facts about this little guy…

Tell us about that first moment when you saw your baby.
Seeing and meeting Rizor for the first time was the best moment of our lives. We prayed so hard for a healthy baby. When the nurse laid him on my chest, Nick was right beside me and Rizor was wide awake staring at both of us. Love at first sight.

What was your baby’s birth weight and length?
Rizor was 9 pounds and 8 ounces, 21 3/4 inches long.

Is there a story behind your baby’s name?
Rizor Michael Clark. Rizor was my (Cass’) Grandmother’s maiden name & Michael is my (Cass’) uncle’s name, Nick chose his middle name after Mike!!

Give us the scoop. What has surprised you the most about parenthood?  Are there any funny stories or firsts that you’d like to share?
This has been the hardest, scariest, happiest and most rewarding two weeks of our lives. Our rainbow baby is such a blessing from God that we are thankful for each and every day. Rizor smiles all the time in his sleep, gets hangry, loves to cuddle and has a tiny temper (gets that from daddy!) He loves riding in cars and adores all of his big cousins! When we were in the recovery room, Rizor was on my chest– Nick started talking to the nurse and Rizor lifted his head to find Daddy’s voice. His nurse did a double take and said, “Wow. He is one hour old and already lifting his head.”

What did you like best about your experience with Crystal Jo?
Working with Crystal was wonderful. She took her time with us and Rizor and made our newborn session relaxing and enjoyable. We couldn’t think of a better person to capture such a special time in our lives.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.