Rizor in the corn. Columbus Baby Photography

Rizor. 1 Year.



What is your favorite memory during your child’s first year of life?

Mommy’s favorite memory ~Rizor is such a blessing! He has filled our hearts with so much joy and love & is such a happy baby! My favorite memory, although difficult to choose, is him saying “mom!” & giving me a hug & a kiss for the first time!  Hearing him say “mom/mama” & his sweet hugs & kisses is one of the best feelings in the whole world!

Daddy’s favorite memory~Taking Rizor for a ride on the tractor for the first time.  He belly laughed when I put headphones on him.  When we got on the tractor, he was on my lap and went right for the steering wheel to drive around.

Do you have a funny story or something that happened in his first year that you’d like to share?

~Rizor learns words quickly. Once he learns a word, he says it often for a good week or so. One of his first words was “sh*t,” shout out to Daddy & Aunt Hay. He used this word quite appropriately at times. Thankfully this never slipped while we were in public or at church!!

What age/month has been your favorite and why?

~Rizor has a big personality, such a sweet, ornery little boy! It’s been a wonderful adventure but we would have to say once he turned 10 months old, to the day, and began walking has been our favorite! He learns something new every single day. New words and new ways to play and is so curious and observant!

One word to describe your baby is…


What is your child’s favorites…

Animal: doggies & kitties!

Food: Cheese, peaches & peanut butter

Toy: His wagon, blue Mickey Mouse & books

Song or Book: “Can’t Stop the Feeling” by Justin Timberlake and “Hot Dog!”- Mickey Mouse. Rizor loves books and being read to, but his favorite is probably his learning animal’s book!


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Chris Milliken on August 29, 2018 at 2:46 pm

    Amazing photos of our Grandson once again! Priceless!