She’s Numero Uno. Columbus Baby Photography

Kelly. 1 Year Big.

collage3 First birthdays are the perfect time for frozen yogurt. See that little cup…seems like a fitting message.  Fill me up.  Never put me down.
“It’s so yummy but it’s so cold!”
Kelly had the coolest theme for her first birthday… Uno!
This is the first time we met. She was so wittle.
I just adore you so much, sweet little Kelly. Thank you for being the cutest little model in front of my camera throughout your first year. XO and lots more hugs and kisses coming your way!

More on Kelly’s first year…

What is your favorite memory during her first year of life?

Dad: That’s a hard one. I like it when she smiles at me!
Mom: Of course I have lots of favorite memories, but I’ll narrow it down to two. When Kelly was just a couple of months old she slept next to our bed because I was still nursing around the clock (or so it seemed). Early each morning, I would wake up to little “baby sounds” (cooing, etc). One of these morning when she stirred, I looked over and said “good morning sweet baby” (like I habitually said). She responded with this huge toothless grin. I melted into a puddle :}

Do you have a funny story or something that happened in her first year that you’d like to share?

Dad: One of our cats, Harry, was sitting on the ottoman. He usually runs from Kelly but one time he just laid there and she started gently petting him. Without any warning, she grabbed his tail and flung him to the ground. It was so unexpected I couldn’t do anything except laugh.
Mom: Kelly has a cousin who was born about 10 weeks after she was. We went to my sister-in-law’s house to visit him when he was a week old (so Kelly was about 11 weeks old). We had the babies on a blanket on the floor beside each other when Willie (her cousin) started to cry. Before anyone could respond to him, Kelly burst out in a gut busting giggle. Each time he would cry, she would laugh harder and harder. It was the first time I had heard her laugh, and it was at the unfortunate cost of her newest cousin. In the fall, when Kelly was probably 9-10 months old, I took her to my nephew Jacob’s indoor end of the season marching band concert. I wasn’t sure how she’d handle the volume of the indoor show, so when the drumline entered I covered her ears. As soon as they started to play, she proceeded to stand (and jump) on my lap the rest of the show. She loved the music!!

What age/month has been your favorite and why?

Dad: 10 months because she was developing a lot of new skills, learning to cruise and showing her determination.
Mom: Each month has something so memorable and special it’s hard to narrow it down to a specific age. I would have to say that I really love the age she’s currently at because she is walking, has become more able to communicate and her happy personality shines through her actions. She brings a smile to those she’s around and can light up a room with her little grin.

One word to describe your baby is…
Stacey: Happy 🙂
Kyle: Ecstatic

Animal: Cats “Kitty”
Food: Lasagna
Toy: a stuffed cat

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.