Sister Sister Sister. Columbus Family Photography

Vashti. Martha. Jay.

I love these girls so much.

If you could be any one person for a day…

Vashti – Supergirl

MJ – Tinkerbell

Jay – Sabrina Carpenter

If you could learn to do one thing…

Vashti – make my own clothes

MJ – make ice cream

Jay – Make the best cakes

If you found $100 in your back pocket, how would you spend it?

Vashti – private tour of the zoo

MJ – buy wireless headphones

Jay – calendar

Describe the perfect weekend:

Vashti – flying to Florida

MJ – Disney World

Jay – spa weekend

Are you more like your mom or your dad?

Vashti – 1/2, 1/2

MJ – Mom

Jad – Dad

What was your favorite thing about your session with Crystal Jo?

Vashti – having fun

MJ – jumping on the bed

Jay – jumping on the bed


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.