Sleeping Beauty. Columbus Newborn Photography

Eden Elizabeth.  Newborn.

She’ll always hold a very special place in my heart.  She was the first (well kinda second, if you count Pix) little girl I witnessed come into the world.  I watched her momma and daddy fall in love in an instant.  I watched her long legs stretch for the first time.  I watched her little eyes open and I heard her precious little scream.  She’s a lovely little lady.

You can see her birth story HERE.  

Her momma wanted her to wear this adorable owl hat to go along with the nature nursery theme.

And if you didn’t know….I LOVE what I do!My favorite.  She looks like sleeping beauty.  On her own little newborn sized bed.  LOVE.
This coke crate was in The Garcia’s living room holding magazines.  We didn’t even take them out.  Just laid the little angel right on them.  Love the birdhouse in the background.  This is their BEAUTIFUL backyard.  I’m sure this little girl will have tons of fun playing Cinderella and house in the pretty garden.  Pretty girl.Of course she is a Buckeye!  I love her perfect little round head.  Her daddy and grandpa found this chair in Amish Country.  They brought it home and made an exact replica. So cool!It’s not a successful shoot if a newbie doesn’t poop on the daddy!

A very special thank you to Ana Justine Photography and Tasha Braniff Photography for sharing your AWESOME props. Eden thanks you very much! 🙂

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.