Somethin’ bout those Shambaughs!

Shammy Sham.

Shambo {like the hard core Survivor chick}.

Sham-Wow..isn’t this the rag used to clean cars with “no” streaking..yeah, WOW.

Shammy – oh, maybe this is the name of rag {ha!}.

Shammoo – isn’t this the name of the big whale?

Shampoo – what we use to watch our hair {with exception of Justin Bobby}

Okay – in all seriousness.  The Shambaughs.  Completely and Udderly {yes, like a cow} AWESOME.  Sarah remembered me from a lonnng time ago.  We share a mutual friend and we ran into each other back in my Olive Garden bartending days.  Yes, I know, I was mixin’ and flippin’ those bottles to satisfy my customers with some crazy Crystal Jo concoctions.  If you knew me then you are laughing at that last comment.

Anywhooo…she had contacted me to shoot her awesome Shambaugh fall family fotos {mouthful, I know}.  Sarah is a photographer herself, so the majority of our session her and I were rambling on about fun photography lingo, gear, places to shoot…you name it, we were all over it.  Needless to say, I adored her so much I invited her over to talk more photo.  And photo we talk!  Now, I can happily say I have Sarah onboard the Crystal Jo Foto train.  Yep, that’s right, she is now my {what I like to say} AsSistant.  You’ll see and hear so much more from/about her.  Welcome on the crazy train ride Sham…can’t wait for our journey together.

And on to the fall family fotos.  We shot these at Jeffrey Mansion in Bexley with Sarah’s hubby Paul and oh so adorable lil’ one Hayden.


Wow…isn’t this the cutest family?!  To view the entire gallery click HERE.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Sarah Shambaugh on November 26, 2009 at 5:22 am

    You are seriously the best! I cannot thank you enough for everything. 🙂