That Gym, Those People

My gym.. That Gym on Grandview, asked me to do a shoot for their upcoming competitors.  Well, duh.  Yes, I will!

These guys have trained for months and months.  Dieting, training and having more discipline than I could ever imagine.  And boy, oh boy did that training pay off!   They’ve got some rockin’ hard bodies.  And some big hearts to go with them!

Ashley, the best personal trainer in THE world, in the front, in the red.  Yes, she’s proud!

I totally had to post this. Demi, oh Demi. She’s a brave one. It was like 25 degrees out. She was all for it too. All you need is CONFIDENCE and this body to do this…

(oh…and to mention..she had a baby not too long ago!)

..and her back!

Jason came to help me. And Bill is his workout buddy early in the morning so of course they needed a picture together!

And Pixie brought her shoes for Demi to borrow.

Always fun at That Gym!

Good luck this weekend peeps. You guys are gonna ROCK!!

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.