Thomas the Tank Engine. Columbus Family Photography

The Thomas Family.

Also known as my sister and her four adorable kids.

Logan.  He’s SOOOOOO cute!And these two….double trouble!

Boys will be boys.The Thomas Family.  Thomas the Tank Engine.  Get it?  Blue train, Thomas Family.  Yeah, that’s COOL!  (I was trying to think of a blog title and this magically popped into my head.  GENIUS, I TELL YOU!)I love this.  Anthony is laughing!  Getting a teenager to have fun taking pictures is quite a challenge.  My corny jokes paid off on this one. 
I may just be the worst Aunt ever. I still can’t tell these girls apart. Gracie and Ashley. And I THINK that is Ashley on the right (I think). She’s blowing me kisses.

Cutest family EVER.They love their mommy.  I do, too.

Group picture…love it!Ana and I noticed the pretty sky.  Let’s play!  Once a gymnast, always a gymnast.  🙂  I was on a picnic table.

Here’s Ana.  I love this.  She looks so free.  Weeeeeeee.She’s got skilllllllllzzzz.  (Don’t worry Light Girl, I won’t tell everyone it took us 800 attempts to pull this off.  Love you!)

ring: 614.397.0352

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Deana Thomas on July 12, 2011 at 11:04 am

    I can’t thank you enough…you’re truly an amazing photographer and sister!! You captured the moment perfectly! You’re the best! Love you XXOO