Two High School Seniors. One cute couple. Columbus Senior Photography

Meet Jake and Payton. Two High School seniors. One cute couple.Can you believe they’ve been together for two years?  That’s like a SUPER long time for high school sweethearts!  It must be LOVE.  🙂
My session fave…just ADORE THE LIGHT and Payton’s cute little pose with a matching smirk.

Big smiles and bright futures.Payton and Jake are All Stars, and SO IS JAKE’S RIDE!

She plays field hockey, he plays soccer, and the car…well it goes really fast.
Bryn was our light girl.  And Jake’s sister was our photo bomber.  🙂  Payton and Jake, it was a real pleasure capturing time in your lives. Good luck in all your future endeavors.  Xoxo!

Who is Jake?

I’m really into cars and I like to try new things. I’m really adventurous and want to try a lot of different things before I die, like shy diving.

Who is Payton?

I really like to please the people I’m close to and don’t like to let people down. I try my hardest at everything I put my heart to. My friends and family think I’m weird, but I like to tune then out. They’re weirder.

List 3 songs on your musical playlist…
Jake: 500 miles, Headstrong and you shook me all night long by ACDC
Payton: cameras, cough syrup and she will be loved

What do you do in your free time?
Jake: Soccer and play video games and hang out with my friends and girlfriend
Payton: I’m the captain of the field hockey team and love taking pictures in my free time and hang out with my friends and Jake.

What is your favorite memory from High School?
Jake: Playing with my soccer team throughout all of High School
Payton: Winning the field hockey tournament game against Bishop Hartley

What are you plans for post graduation?
Jake: go to college, not sure where though
Payton: go to collage somewhere in Ohio

What do you wanna be when you “grow up”?
Jake: undecided but looking into healthcare
Payton: hopefully go into Psychology

How was your experience with Crystal Jo?
Jake: She made me laugh which helped with the pictures because I don’t like smiling for pictures.
Payton: Crystal Jo always makes me laugh and she’s just fun to be around. At my brothers wedding, I turned around to find her under my sister-in-laws dress and couldn’t stop laughing. (Just a little tidbit about this….I (Crystal Jo) was under her dress fixing her bustle. ☺ And it cracks me up that you remember this from 2009!)

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.