What’s up Doc? Columbus Newborn Photography

Henry Andrew. Newborn.

Born Sunday, May 19 at 8:48 AM.
9 lbs 7.5 oz, 22 3/4 inches (And Momma had a natural birth with this BIG boy!)

“Ehh, What’s up Doc?”

Look at this proud BIG brother!


Some fun facts from the new parents of TWO…

How long have you been married and how did you meet?
– We actually met back in junior high and had mutual friends all through high school. We were in touch during college and started dating after reconnecting at a New Years Eve party back in 2000. May 24 is our wedding anniversary so as of today, it’s been 5 years.

Tell us how you found out you were expecting.
– It was a pleasant surprise – I had been feeling queasy but didn’t think the timing was right to be pregnant again. I waited and waited to take a home pregnancy test – when we had our first doctor visit, US showed we were already about 12 weeks along – a whole month more than I anticipated.

Did you find out the gender? How did you come up with his name?
– Oh yes, we can’t take the suspense. We were very excited to have another little boy. We had several names in mind – we both liked Henry. Then I saw on a website that Benjamin was a suggested sibling name and that seemed to seal the deal. We debated on middle names but settled on Andrew since it’s also my husband’s middle name.

Is there a nursery or shower theme you’d like to share?
– We did a dinosaur theme for the nursery.

A baby is here! What are you looking forward to the most?
– It’s amazing how they start so small. Henry was actually the same birth weight as our first son, looking at Ben now it’s hard to believe I used to be able to hold him with just one arm. We’re looking forward to seeing the boys grow into brothers and I’m excited to see how Henry is different than Ben – what will he like, what sort of toys will he want to play with. Even just stuff like whether he’ll have curly hair or straight.

You are a new parent. Give us the scoop. What has surprised you the most about parenthood? Any funny stories or first times, share with us.
– It’s such a huge transition but now it’s hard to imagine life before the boys. The little things are wonderful, like hearing Ben tell his brother he loves him or rocking one (or both) of my babies to sleep. I’ve been keeping a diary of Ben’s life, it’s been fun to start adding anecdotes about Henry like “peed on me for the first time today.”

How did you find Crystal Jo?
– She did kid photos for several friends from work and I loved her work. I followed the blog for a while and when we knew we were having another baby we knew we wanted her to do his photos. She also did my sister’s wedding photos. She has a lot of talent.  (Thanks, Erin! XO!)

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.