Where it all started. Columbus Engagement Photography

Marisa and Greg.  Engaged.





Marisa, I know you aren’t sure if you like photos of yourself not smiling.  Let me just tell you… I do.  I think you pull it off.

Oh so well.



Soon they will be “Mr. & Mrs.”

I love how Marisa cuddling Greg so tight.


Where it all started…  Lazenby Hall at Ohio State.




Drumroll please… session fave…



I can’t get over how much I love the below sequence of photos.  So fun.  So cute.  So them.


What a stylin pooch!

When and where is your wedding?
Our wedding is on June 28, 2013. The ceremony is at the Liberty Presbyterian and the reception is at the NorthPointe Hotel and Conference Center.

How did you meet?

Marisa: We met the very first day of college! It was fall 2004 and we were freshmen at The Ohio State University. I sat right behind Greg in psychology! We reconnected 7 years later on match.com and yes, it really works!
Greg: Greg: Our very first class of college at THE Ohio State University in Psychology class. We didn’t reconnect until later, but crazy to think back that the cute blonde girl that sat behind me that quarter would some day be my wife.

Tell us about your proposal!
Marisa: I planned a date for us to make wine at Camelot Cellars in the Short North. I was rather grumpy after a bad day at work but we went to make the wine anyway. After sampling a few wines, the server asked if we wanted a bottle to share. She set the bottle down and I stared it for what seemed like an eternity! The bottle read “Marisa, will you marry me?” I was immediately flooded with emotions and of course said, “yes!” Our families helped us celebrate that weekend!
Greg: ! I wanted to do something creative and incorporate Wine (which she loves) so I decided to customize a wine label that would ask her to marry me. For our anniversary, she bought us this wine making experience at Camelot Cellars in the short north which she planned by herself and we had a date set to do that September 28th. I decided to flip the script and jump in on her planned event and ask her to marry me there. The day of comes and she was in a terrible mood from challenges at work and such. (I didn’t think we were even going to go) This made me extremely nervous and it was one of the longest car rides down there ever! Earlier that week I dropped off the wine label in preparation for Friday. When Marisa and I casually decided to order a bottle of wine to complement our wine making experience, that was the bottle they were going to slap the label on and bring out. The bottles comes out to me first and I check it to make sure all is well and set the bottle down in front of her………..and its all history. She said yes and went through many stages of crying, shock, excitement and joy!

What’s your favorite thing about your significant other?

Marisa: I love everything about Greg but I especially love how caring and thoughtful he is. He always thinks of others and makes me feel so special. I also love his kisses!
Greg: Her caring nature and her smile.

What makes you guys unique?

Marisa: We are very playful and love to travel and experience new things!
Greg: I think its unique how much we are alike, we would do anything for our family and friends.

How did you find Crystal Jo?

Through recommendations by Greg’s friends. Thanks, Margaux and Ellen!


Marisa and Greg, thank you so very much for thinking of my little girl and getting her a gift.  Very sweet of you!  XO!


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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Dana Rogers-parfel on October 30, 2013 at 4:40 pm

    These are great

  2. Margaux Weinandy on October 30, 2013 at 9:22 pm

    Oh Crystal Jo, how I love you! These pictures rock! Marisa, you are absolutely gorgeous!! Greg, you’re a lucky man 🙂 Greg Yitsis

  3. Marisa Miller on October 30, 2013 at 10:27 pm

    We love everything about our pictures! Thank you for making our engagement session so special! You are the best!

  4. Chris Solomon on October 30, 2013 at 11:14 pm

    Awesome you guys!

  5. Jane Butler on October 30, 2013 at 11:47 pm

    So beautiful! I have tears in my eyes!

  6. Michelle Beckwith Bosse on October 31, 2013 at 1:49 am

    I love the pictures!! You guys look amazing and so much in love!