Worlds Cutest Boys. Columbus Family Photography

The Guenther Family.





The boys found these cool mini pinecones.  I’ve never seen them this small.  COOL!columbus_photography-7

Session fave!


Here are a few fun facts about this awesome family…

Tell us a little about your family dynamic.  How you met your husband, how long you’ve been married, names and ages
of children

With two little boys and full time careers outside of the home, life is busy but we do our best to make it work! Graham is 6 and in Kindergarten which has brought a new routine to our house. Reid is 3.5 and is our wild man! We never have to wonder how he feels about things as he is very good at expressing himself!   

We met through a couple that we each knew individually so it was kind of a setup. The first few times we hung out we were in bars or with large groups of people so after a couple of weeks we decided we should probably go on an actual date to see if we liked each other…it seems to have worked out pretty well! 11 years later, 8 married, through job changes, 2 house moves and 2 kids, we’ve made a lot of memories together and know there are so many more to come!

Do you have any hidden talents or something unique to you?
Graham: “I’m really good at monkey bars”
Reid : “monster trucks”
Dad: “touching my nose with my tongue and talking like Chewbacca”
Mom: “remembering song lyrics”

If you could be any person for one day, who would it be?
Graham: “Remi (grandparents’ dog) because she is funny.”
Reid: “a storm trooper”
Dad: “an astronaut”
Mom: “My Grandma when she was in her teens or early twenties. She will be 99 in a few weeks and it would be really cool to experience life in the late ’30s or early ’40s.”

What’s one thing you want to learn to do?
Graham: “be a police officer”
Reid: “drive a motorcycle”
Dad: “play golf well”
Mom: “crochet or sew”

If you had a $100 bill in your back pocket to spend on whatever you’d like, you’d buy…
Graham: “nerf guns”
Reid: “a four wheeler”
Dad: “a nice dinner out”
Mom: “a really good bottle of wine!”

Describe the perfect weekend.
Graham: “going to the movie theatre and to Toys R Us”
Reid: “going to the Buckeyes game and the taco store (El Vaquero)”
Dad: “Friday night Date Night, family activities on Saturday, and no chores on Sunday”
Mom: “Pizza with Derek and the kids at home on Friday, outside fun with the family on Saturday followed by a Date Night on Saturday and then sleeping in and having a movie day on Sunday. Oh, and no work on Monday!”

Are you more like your mom or your dad?  (parents even answer this one!)
Graham: “Daddy because we have the same color hair”
Reid: “Mommy because I am”
Dad: “Dad”
Mom: “Mom for sure”

What did your family like best about your experience with Crystal Jo?
We loved how easy Crystal was to work with and how amazing she is with kids! We all felt at ease right away which I’m sure will result in some great photos!! 


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.