Our Easter Weekend.

Our Easter weekend was WONDERFUL!

Sometimes I feel a bit guilty the awesome places I get to share with my clients for their photo sessions.  I give them my all, with attention to every detail including the final touches on a delivered product.  I was editing a family session that was taken here at Franklin Park and I thought, “I need to take Pix here.  She needs beautiful photographs where Momma plans every detail!”  And so it became…Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

She’s so inquisitive.  I wore this necklace at her baby shower.  A bit of a sentiment.

And bless her little tender heart, she held a colorful butterfly with amazement and awe. 

I’m still trying to decide which photo I want for a large canvas.  Leave a comment if you have a fave.  Jason’s vote is going for the first photo on this blog.. my heart strings just tug at this little bit of heaven right here…

Saturday we headed to the Zoo for Eggs, Paws and Claws.  (Her expression here is priceless.  Really, mom.  Really!)

We saw TONS of bunnies!
And even met Hop.
Then we headed home for a family nap.  Which was ALMOST as good as the Zoo.  🙂
Easter morning she woke up and found a trail of eggs…

The Easter Bunny came!

Only fitting.. a cell phone and a camera.  She can multi-task with the best-of-em.I love these crocheted eggs made by my dear friend, Paula.
Then we headed to Cimi’s Bistro for brunch with the Holt Bunch.
And a visit to Nana Holt’s to see if the bunny made a stop there.  Oh, yes he did!

I LOVE this basket!  I think it’s even more special when I only see it once a year.Then to Gramia’s house for an egg hunt.  (Easter coat given to Pixie from Nannie Mary Anne.  Yes, she’s a spoiled little girl!)

Last stop on Easter… my Dad’s for Jacques family dinner.  Where Pix showed off her gymnastics skills… and also her ability to find photos, YouTube and games on any iPhone.

Although it was a crazy busy weekend with a few tantrums, two potty accidents (one of which happened at Franklin Park, as an older couple went on and on about how cute Pixie is, she peeeeeeeed right down her legs, into her shoes and all over the floor.  Real cute!), and a Momma meltdown over what shoes Pix was going to wear during a muddy egg hunt, it was BEAUTIFUL. Being with family is so very comforting.  The BIG BIG love fills the air and it just smells SO good!
Happy Spring!

Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. amy on April 5, 2013 at 1:20 pm

    Wonderful post! Love you all so very much. xoxo

  2. Roberta on April 5, 2013 at 2:48 pm

    The seventh one down, with the yellow flowers in the background. But I also like the one you like…