I gave birth to a toddler. Columbus Baby Photography

Baby Hugh.  Newborn

Those baby toes!  SWOON!columbus_photography-2

Mommy and Daddy are members of the Shamrock Club.  Hugh is sure to be a BIG HIT there!columbus_photography-3

Wearing Daddy’s Irish hat!columbus_photography-4

Hugh is seriously huge!  There were a few newborn baskets I have that he wouldn’t even fit in!columbus_photography-5

Tell us about that first moment when you saw your baby.
I had a c section so they immediately took him to the warming table to make sure his lungs were clear. The first good look I got of him was when they held him up so Rolla could get a picture of him next to the weight. I was just so relieved he was normal. I was on medication at the beginning and didn’t realise I was pregnant until I was almost through the first trimester. Relief is not a strong enough word!

What was your baby’s birth weight and length?
Hugh was 10lbs 5 oz. and 21 inches long. I gave birth to a toddler. They had to rock him to get him out of the incision.

Is there a story behind your baby’s name?
Not really. It’s an old family name from Rolla’s side. His middle name, William, is after my mother’s father. I never got to meet him, he passed away before I was born, but we shared a birthday. Rolla really believes in the idea of name sakes, it was fun listening to all the old stories of my grandfather while we were picking the name. Rolla decided we could do much worse than an ornery hillbilly from WV for a middle name.

Give us the scoop. What has surprised you the most about parenthood?  Are there any funny stories or firsts that you’d like to share?Mommy: I was really worried about having a connection from the beginning with him. I’ve never been terribly maternal, but he’s just so damn precious I can’t help myself.

Daddy: He is a champion eater. He latched about 13 minutes after being born and hasn’t  stopped since. Mom and I got a really good laugh about how excited he is over getting a boob. He goes after it with gusto!!

What did you like best about your experience with Crystal Jo?
I love Crystal Jo. I’m so glad Rolla got the package he did. She was wonderful with Hugh and I always enjoy our visits.


And here are Rolla and Molly’s lovely snow maternity photos…



I adore you guys SO MUCH!  XO!columbus_photography


Tell us something fun or unique about your relationship.
Our relationship has never been planned or really discussed; it’s always been on the fly and by the seat of our pants. I’ll never forget the time Rolla called me right before a date and asked me if I wanted to split a couple thousand dollars. We’d made plans for a date that night but a friend called him and needed some expedited freight. I agreed before I even knew what we were doing!  So instead of going to dinner or hitting the Ale Trail, I made some last minute reservations for a hotel and we headed off to Virginia.  The day we came back he surprised me by heading back through Shenandoah.  By the time we hit WV we were in the middle of a blizzard, it was truly an adventure.  I’m very structured and I like to schedule things and make plans, he’s very impromptu and just goes where the wind blows him, as much as it drives each of us crazy I think it keeps us in balance.
How did you find out you were expecting?
My brother is very prolific, he’s managed to have 5 children and has managed keep his sanity, with tons of help from us and our mother I’d like to think. He is a poster child for the failings of the rhythm method.  I had always resigned myself to being “Aunt Molly”. Rolla has 2 kids already and we are, honestly, kinda old. In keeping with the theme of our unplanned and on the fly relationship, so was the baby. My birth control got lost at the grocery store in May and they wouldn’t refill again for the month because of my insurance. I thought, oh we’ll be careful, everything will be fine! Around the end of July everything was not fine, and I finally over came my denial and took a test. It was a huge surprise to us both, but one we’ve managed to take in stride and embrace the reality of being “mature” parents.
What’s your favorite thing about being pregnant? Least favorite?
Honestly, my favorite thing is not dealing with a certain monthly visitor, if I really sit and think about it. I don’t know what I’m going to do when that happens again!  ????????  But other than the TMI answer, I’d say it’s the excitement my mother and my aunt have that her daughter/niece is going to give her a grand child/nephew.  I think there’s just something different about a son giving you grand kids. This is way more personal for them.  We have a very close knit family, when I announced it my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Mike were here to visit from Alabama, she’s just as excited as my mother and had a real moment over the fact that she’s 1,000 miles away now.  She’s trying to convince me I need an iPhone now so she can FaceTime with the baby.
Boy, asking woman that is 38 weeks pregnant woman what her least favorite things are about being pregnant is a loaded question.  I’m a waitress in a small downtown Irish Pub.  All of our supplies are in the basement.  Having to climb those stairs is getting to be even more daunting as the days go on, I’m constantly winded just from walking and doing my job.  But, in all reality, this has been a very easy pregnancy.  I haven’t been sick to my stomach much, I haven’t swelled or gone diabetic.  He’s just a big baby in a very cramped space so it’s a bit uncomfortable when he decides to move around.
Did you find out your baby’s gender?
Yes, we are having a baby Hugh William.  Hugh is a family name from Rolla’s Scottish side of the family and William is after my mother’s father who passed away before I was born.  He was a wily, ornery hillbilly from WV, we also share a birthday.  Rolla is a huge believer in namesakes and that the name carries traits of that person.  Over Thanksgiving he got to hear some stories about William and fully approved.  

Is there a nursery or shower theme you’d like to share?

It’s a little different but the nursery is going to be done in Calvin and Hobbes.  My brother and I LOVED the comic series when we were younger.  I love the creativity and the kind of sarcastic and ironic undertones of the humor.  My brother managed to find a “Hobbes” for Hugh.  There is also an underlying tone of loving nature and the very obvious theme of being adventurous and fearless, things I hope our little boy will embrace.  

A baby is coming! What are you looking forward to the most?

That he will stop trying to crawl under my ribs.
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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.