Big brother soon. Columbus Baby Photography

The Smith Family. Sawyer is going to be a big brother soon!   Katherine, you are adorable pregnant! Session fave!  Love this! Some fun facts about this family… Something fun about us is that we got engaged in Central Park, on the Oasis of the Seas Cruise Ship. How did you find out you were…

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Lara Maternity. Columbus Maternity Photography

Liz.  Baby bump. Gorgeous couple.  They aren’t just pretty on the outside, either.  Gorgeous couple with the biggest hearts and the best personalities.  I adore you both, SO.  I’m sure Luke will be just the same!   Here are a few fun facts about these soon to be parents…. Tell us something fun or unique…

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I gave birth to a toddler. Columbus Baby Photography

Baby Hugh.  Newborn Those baby toes!  SWOON! Mommy and Daddy are members of the Shamrock Club.  Hugh is sure to be a BIG HIT there! Wearing Daddy’s Irish hat! Hugh is seriously huge!  There were a few newborn baskets I have that he wouldn’t even fit in! Tell us about that first moment when you…

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Sewell. Columbus Maternity Photography

Sewell Baby Bump. I can’t wait to meet this little pumpkin!  Congrats, friends!     Here are a few fun facts about these expectant parents…… Tell us something fun or unique about your relationship. Something unique and fun about us is that we like to tour haunted places and really get into ghost TV shows.…

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Two Peas in a Pod. Columbus Maternity Photography

Megan. Baby Bump. The way little Meg is looking at Robbie. <3 So cute!  She did this on her own! Megan, you are STUNNING!  So beautiful pregnant!   Here are a few fun facts about this mommy-to-be… Tell us something fun or unique about your relationship. We don’t feel like we are fun or unique.…

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