Gorgeous Aly. Columbus Senior Photography

Aly. Class of 2021.

My fave from the session.  Stunning!

I love this too.  Aly, you are BEAUTIFUL!


Hello i am Aly. I go to Bexley High school, i am 17 and i play three varsity sports for my
school. I am taking 3 AP classes this year in preparation for college next year. I have 3
dogs and a cat who have all become a big impact on my family.

Favorite songs..
1. 7summers, Stuntin’ on you and better together.

What do you do in your free time?
2. I play 3 varsity sports at Bexley and I love to hang out with my friends.

What is your favorite memory from high school?
3. Hitting a walk off homerun my sophomore year.

What are your plans after you graduate?
4. My plans for after highschool are to attend college to study kinesiology.

What do you want to be when you “grow up”?
5. I would like to be an occupational therapist in the future.

How was your experience with Crystal Jo?
6. My experience was amazing. She was so nice and friendly, my funny experience was
the constant reminders to hide the scar on my hand from a softball injury this past summer.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.