Red White and Two. Columbus Family Photography

The Nierman Family.

Baby ducklings!

I love this so much!

Audrey, your personality is so golden!  I just adore you!

Yum, watermelon!

Red, white and TWO!

Happy 4th of July and Happiest of Birthdays, Alex!

What is your favorite memory during your child’s second year of life?

It’s a series of memories really. As we calm down for bedtime he loves to just sit and snuggle. Often he likes to either have his belly rubbed or to play with a hand. I can just feel his whole body relax. Little boys once they stop moving at top speed can just be so sweet. I cheerish these little moments.

Do you have a funny story or something that happened in her second year that you’d like to share?
Right after he turned one we moved to a new city and new house. The first day in the new house he kept putting his head to the carpet, butt in the air, and plowing from room to room. He had discovered carpet for the first time! Lol. Apparently he much preferred the feel of the soft carpet to the hardwood floors. He still does this occasionally and it just cracks me up.

What age/month has been your favorite and why?
18mo-22mo. His personality really started to shine through and he can finally communicate more. It is amazing to learn for the first time about your child as a unique individual. No longer a baby but starting to turn into a boy with his own natural skills and interests.
One word to describe your toddler is… tinkererFavorites…
Animal: shark, do do do do dodo 🎶
Food: Spaghetti
Toy: cars/trucks

How was your experience with Crystal Jo?

Always fantastic! We have worked with Crystal Jo for nearly 5 years, since our 1st child was born. She always makes the photo shoot a fun experience. I have come to know I can rely on her to get great photos even if as a mom I feel like my kids are being crazy.



Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.