Let’s swing high. Columbus Family Photography

The Rackliff Family.

Herb, Elizabeth, Ethan and Ryan.

Get this… Herb is the general manager at the Hyatt in Cincinnati. So the Rackliff’s live in a suite at the hotel. Elizabeth hasn’t had to clean a toilet it over four years! How fabulous would daily maid service be?!

They will soon be relocating to Canada. Of course, a fun family session is a MUST before going north.

Ethan. I had to think of TONS of games for this little dude. He was on to my trickery. I got the most smiles and laughs when I told him not to smile and laugh. Hey, whatever works.

Ryan. Big cutie.

My fave on the left. FUN!

And I love this one too. Brotherly love.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.