My First Mother’s Day.

I’ve honestly never been happier in my whole entire life. Oh, and I barely have time to do my hair or my makeup. Isn’t it great?! YES. Yes, it is.

My very first Mother’s Day.  I will remember it forever.

Family loveliness. And lots of it.   That’s what I had this weekend. My best cousin (and by best cousin, I mean best friend and she happens to be my cousin) lives in Cincinnati. My Momma Mia was in North Carolina and Jason was on a four wheeling trip so Pixie Pie and I had our first road trip down to visit my cousin and her family. They just moved into a HUGE beautiful house. I thought I was going to go down and help her unpack, but when I walked in everything was all put together. So we had a fabulous cookout and watched the men set up the trampoline as the kids ran around. They were SO excited to get on that trampoline. Addie Mae (my cousins ten month old) and Pixie Jo were cuddled and loved on soooo much. They napped and pooed and played. We laughed and shared stories and ate strawberry shortcake. A great day to say the least. Then in the evening, after jumping on the tramp, we headed to Ikea, where we tried very VERY hard to keep the cash in the wallet. It didn’t work.  A GREAT Mother’s Day with some awesome mommas.

Here’s Ash getting her Mother’s Day lovin’ from her family.

Cover your eyes, Mom.  It’s a surprise.
Yay!  A hair straightener.  As if she’ll have time to do that hair with three kids running around.  Dream on Sister Sledge.  Pfft.

Our girls.  Six months apart.  Just like Ash and I.

Addie can’t go anywhere without her iPhone.
Awwww…..I love these SO SO much.
Addie Mae loves her cousin!
And Pixie Jo loves her back.
The trampoline is up!  I forgot how much fun these things are.  I did some flips!  It’s been years…and my bladder is NOT the same as it once was!
Aunt Fris and Pixie Pie.  Family is so awesome.
No, I had no time for make -up.

On the way to Cinci, I stopped at the store to grab some breakfast and drop off Jason’s dry cleaning.  He needed his patrol uniform for Tuesday morning.  I remembered Sunday.  Yikes, hurry to the store!

So while carrying her into the store, plus two bags of clothes, I ran over to the produce section to grab some pre-sliced apples.  The bags of laundry were getting all twisted around my arm and cutting off my circulation.  So here I am standing in the middle of the grocery store with 13 pounds of baby on one arm and 20 pounds of clothes on the other.  Yes, I dropped the apples.  All over the floor.  The poor grocery store clerk.  She stood there for ten minutes trying to help me unspin the string from the laundry bag from my now purple arm.

No, I had no time for make-up.
The happy couple.
Yay…Ikea!  Raise your hand if you love this store.  See…Pixie does.
Ry carried this scrub brush around the whole store.  It was quite entertaining for him.  He “scrubbed” everything he saw.  Kids are hilarious.
Pixie wrote this beautiful poem, made her OWN footprints with pretty pink paint, cut and glued it on cute paper AND went to the post office in North Carolina to mail this to me so I could open it on Mother’s Day.  Isn’t that so sweet of HER?  (Love you Mom!)

Look at these beautiful burp cloths from my dear sister, Deana.  LOVE!
And this beautiful blanket for my girl.  LOVE times ten.
My hubs knows me best.
I get so excited to hang flowers on the porch.  Thank you for this pretty plant, Aunt Fris.  Love you!

Our Mommy + Me photo session with Tasha Braniff Photography.  These make my heart SO warm!

It is Mother’s Day. So, I’ll share a few of my faves of my beautiful Mother. My hero. The woman I look up to.

Momma, her Momma and me.  It’s my first Mother’s Day.  It’s my Momma’s first Mother’s Day without her Momma.  🙁
And an all time favorite…

ring: 614.397.0352


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Amy Seese on May 11, 2011 at 7:33 am

    Simply lovely!

  2. Roberta on May 11, 2011 at 8:27 am

    I love you, CJ! You are so beautiful, inside & out. I’m so honored to call you my friend. You have such an amazing spirit that radiates to anyone who meets you. Pixie is blessed to have such a great mom! So happy you had a fantastic first Mother’s Day!

  3. Cyndi on May 12, 2011 at 9:11 pm

    Oh my these are so beautiful. My we looked alot alike in some of these pictures. I cant believe Pixie told you about the footprints she promised me she would keep it a secret 🙂 Love the pictures of Pixie and Addie too. They love each other as much as you and Ash.