A colorful diaper rash. Columbus Baby Photography

Eli.  One year old!

Happy 1st Birthday, Eli.  You are SO big and SOOOOOOOOO stinkin’ cute!

It has been a ton of fun photographing your first year and getting to know all of your little personalities.  I know this won’t be our last session, you little ham, you.Hello, blue eyed, birthday boy!

Cake smash!
Eli.  Saving some in his diaper for later.  This makes me giggle.

Want some, mom?
How about you, photographer?
Eli’s first birthday.  And first time on a Harley.  A GOOD day for this little guy.  And for his uncle, who was proudly watching from the porch.
Love these.

Caren (Eli’s momma) was SO proud he kept this hat on for just a millisecond.

And I LOVE the reflection of Eli’s friends in the sunglasses. (my fave for the day)

Pixie Pie was invited!  And she was so loved.  I love it when clients (who turn into friends) love her and want her to be around.  It makes me very happy.  Pulls on my heart strings.
It cracks me up when kids sit like this.  Those bones will be cracking later.  But, for now, it’s really cute.
Toys = fun!

Sometimes photos can be a little deceiving. Kids don’t always get along, do they? Look how adorable these children are. Being so nice to each other.

Grandmas. They are PRICELESS. Just like these photos.

Happy 1st Birthday Eli! I’ll miss seeing you every three months. Don’t stash too much cake in your diaper. You might just get a colorful diaper rash!

ring: 614.397.0352
write: crystal@crystaljofoto.com
see: http://crystaljofoto.com
fresh: https://crystaljofoto.com

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.