An Easter Patty.

Huh?  An Easter Patty?  What kind of crazy title are you coming up with now, Crystal Jo?

Well, I never blogged St. Patty’s Day.  And I never blogged Easter.  So today we are having an Easter Patty.  Served up over medium with two slices of provolone and some cranberry juice.  Sounds de-lish.

Enough with the rambles…

Here’s our wonderful St. Patty’s Day goodness…

Lucky lips.First haircut.  She looks scared to death.  She just stared and stared at Kelley.  “Whaat in da werld yew doin’ Ant Kwellwey?”

It’s a big deal around our house when you find a really good $5 holiday shirt at Walmart.  We jump up and down and do dances.  Here’s Jason’s new patty’s threads.  And a full ink sleeve to go with it.  He’s so macho, you know.  We strolled the girls down the the neighborhood wine cafe.  Fiona and Pix had a ball running around the patio.  Parents had a bigger ball watching the girls find their footing over the new terrain.  “Lites = Crwismas.  Oh my.  Do we always wear dis gween stuffs on Crwismas?” “Duz Daddee alwaaz drink gween beer on Crwismas?” Momma’s comin’!  Yay.  A couple weeks before Easter, Momma and Richard made a special visit so we just HAD to color easter eggs!

It was such a beautiful time.  I love seeing Pixie and Momma interact.  So much love.  It really makes my heart melt. Richard (Paw Paw) likes to stick his tounge out and Pixie, of course, mimics his silly action.  Here she’s trying to get Gramia to stick her tounge out.  By literally pulling it out herself.  Funny little girl!

We started Easter how every bunny does….eating carrots.  She’s waiting, very wide-eyed, for her next bite.  This little bunny sure does love those carrots!

Love love lovin’ on my baby girl.  (thank you, Amy, for this photo! love it so!)The Seese’s had us over for Easter brunch.  Amy always has quite the unique spread.

Here’s Pixies Hippity Hoppity Treats.  A chocolate bunny, peter cottontails (marshmellows), rabbit food (orange bunny crackers), and bunny pellets (raisins).  ADORBS! 

It’s time for the egg hunt!  And a little bunny showed it’s shadow.  Does that mean we’ll have an early summer?

“Eggs.  I got me sum eggs!”

Yes, I pulled out the diffuser  to block the sun for our mini photoshoot in the middle of our easter egg hunt.  Our children need the BEST photos possible, right?!  It was pretty hilarious watching the adults try and collapse it.

ADORE THIS PHOTO SO MUCH.  Us mommies with our babies.  Hoppy Easter.  (Yep, early summer!)The girls had fun playing with toys.  The boys had fun playing with their toys…the kayak and the grill.

Easter egg hunt numero dos at my sister Deana’s.  Mom usually hosts this big event with all 28 grandchildren, but since she moved away, Deana is bravely taking the reigns.  And she did a WONDERFUL job, I might add.  And our next stop…Nana and Poo Paw’s.  Lots of goodies here!I love this photo.  This little bunny knows to go for the GOOD STUFF!Shew, a long, wonderful Easter weekend had by all.  Bathtime and bedtime are always a highlight of the day for Mommy and Daddee.  And I’ll bring this blog to a conclusion with the cutest photo of all…

A big kiss from the Birdie.


Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.


  1. Momma Mia and Gramia on May 1, 2012 at 3:04 pm

    Oh this blog is super cute. I love every picture especially the one with all four of you girls holding your little bunnies. Kisses right back at cha.

  2. Amy Seese on May 1, 2012 at 10:11 pm


  3. Aunt Angie on May 4, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    Muah!! Muah!!!!

  4. Madelyne on May 14, 2012 at 7:45 pm

    That last picture is so cute!