Celebrate. Project 52

Project 52.

Week 18 of 52: Celebrate.

We celebrated in Vegas.  Vegas style.  Tons of fancy restaurants and walking and shows and lights and FUN.

I seriously pulled the camera out the last day we were there.  Not sure why I even lugged it all the way to Vegas.  Everywhere we went, I took a small clutch and the iPhone photos were good enough to keep my Instagram friends (and myself) satisfied.  I had to buy a bigger purse for $70 at one of those cheap touristy corner stands.  Oh well.  Totally glad I brought it once I saw this photo.  I set the self timer next to us on another table and told Jason I’d put my hand on his beer gut.  We both know he doesn’t have one, so it was only FUNNY.   Real laughs.

Canon 5DMkIII, 35mm, f/1.4
ISO 400, f/2.8,  1/200

To see how Megan celebrated, click HERE.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.