Ear Tug. Columbus Engagement Photography

Joel & Nicole.  Engaged!Her hair cracks me up here!I recently saw this fun pose on Bobbi & Mike’s site.  I just HAD to do it!  It’s really too fun not to.  And these two were perfect for this!  Connected.
Smokin’.On fire. FIRE.
Tee hee hee.That’s hot.Chooooo Chooooo! I found this “&” at Hobby Lobby for two bucks.  I thought it would be perfect for a shot like this…The picture on the left… Nicole says they always do this.  A little ear tug.  Makes me happy.

Some fun facts about this happy couple….

When and where is your wedding?
When: August 11, 2012
Where: Grand Oaks Event Center Grove City

How did you meet?
Bride- I guess you could say we met in middle school. We were so young and all we cared about was looks. We started dating in 7th grade because we thought each other were cute, eight years later we are getting married!

Groom- I had no idea who Nicole was at the time when we started dating. She was just the cute girl that came into my class for homework hotline. My friend Ryan asked me on her behalf if we wanted to go out and I said sure. That started the process of notes and going to the movies which have led to soon to be 9 great years and our wedding.

Tell us about your proposal!
Bride- It was April 1, 2011 and we went out to dinner that night because my 21st birthday was April 2nd and we had plans to go out that night. We had planned to go out at midnight just so I could get my first drink being 21. After dinner I was so full I just wanted to go home and sleep haha. Joel kept telling me ” no, lets go out, lets go out” I wanted to save all my drinking for the next night. So while laying in bed trying to fall asleep Joel got my attention by rolling me over and gave me his little speech about how much he loves me and that I am his best friend. He asked me to marry him, and when he opened the ring box IT WAS EMPTY!!! I was so upset.. He waited until 12:00 AM April 2 (10 minutes later) to actually propose the right way with a ring

Groom- Pretty much what she said, except… I did all of that on a whim. She had known for a few months that I had the ring because she found the papers for it. I had tried to plan something on several different occasions but it never worked out. Obviously that night didn’t go as planned but I was just tired of waiting. I have always been one who likes to joke around and with it being April fools I decided to mess with her a bit. I thought it was funny, although she may not have. Either way I don’t regret it because I felt like we were just being ourselves that night and that is what I love about us. We are just ourselves, and nobody else is like us.

What makes you guys unique?
Bride- What makes us unique is that we have been together for 8 years and still have the same amount of love we have had for eachother all along

Groom- I think what makes us so unique is that you could almost say we are complete opposites. I like one thing and she likes the other. She is loud, I am quiet. All of our differences seem to balance out our relationship and make us stronger as one. This is what has made our 8-9 years relationship so strong and enjoyable.

How did you find Crystal Jo?
Bride- I was looking at all my friends facebooks that I knew had gotten married. And I came across one girls pictures who I loved so I went to Crystal Jo’s website and watched her video she created about herself and i loved that as well and decided she was the one for us!  (Thanks to Stephanie Potokar!  Remember her wedding? :))

Groom- Nicole showed me.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.