LiveABEL. Columbus Maternity Photography

Markie and Meghan. Expecting.

My nephew is in there!
See the gold hand on the baby?  A gift to Meghan from Markie.  I love how it fits so perfectly.  Just holding on.

So sooooooooooo pretty. This bare belly is really THAT pretty. No editing necessary. Meghan, you are so lucky. Aww.

A little behind the scenes.  I was doing this to get the photo you see right below this.  Pixie and I were using the reflector to bounce the sunlight onto Markie and Meghan.

(I’m trying to teach Pixie how to hold the reflector.  She’d rather take the pictures but I told her she has to weigh more than the camera before she can take over my job.  She agrees.  Being the smile maker will do for now.)
That Baby Bump is carrying Baby Abel.  When we were setting up for this shot, Markie said, “Look, LIVEABEL.”  Love it.  Liveabel.  He has such a creative soul.
Me and my bubby!  He’s going to be a daddy!  I can’t believe it!
She’s GLOWING!  When is she due?  The same day I was!  Christmas Eve.
The best smile maker out there.  She is paid in milk and sweet potato puffs.

Markie wanted to pretend they were making a rap video.
Which turned into some craziness.
And then Abel popped out.  20 pounds and wearing pink.  Poor Meghan.
I HAVE to show you this because I’m a proud Auntie/gift maker!  I created vintage looking maps.

Where Mommy & Daddy met.  (Circleville at my other brother’s wedding.  Markie and Meghan were like 8 years old!)

Where Mommy & Daddy made me.  (Columbus.  I don’t wanna know.)

Where Mommy & Daddy had me.  (They live in Portland, Oregon.  So, more than likely, they will have baby Abel in that rainy city.)

Isn’t it SO awesome?!

To see really how cute this baby bump is, click HERE. They are SO adorable!

I love you guys SO much. All THREE of you! You are about to become a family and it is the BEST feeling in the whole entire world. I can’t wait for what life is about to bring your way. CAN’T WAIT!

Meghan, you are SO beautiful. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy (if that is at all possible). I’ll be thinking of you…whenever I see Tums, or pickles or other pregnant women or hear my phone ring in the middle of the night. 🙂

Bub, I STILL can’t believe you are gonna be a daddy. I can only imagine how precious the relationship will be. It makes my heart feel warm just thinking about it.

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Crystal Jo

Crystal Jo is an Ohio-based wedding and lifestyle photographer, dreamer, believer and lover of life.